Senin, 31 Maret 2014

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We noticed that you haven't yet sent an email campaign with your brand-spankin'-new account, freegames, since you signed up.

To help you get started creating and sending your first campaign, we've put together a short 3-minute video overview:
MailChimp Academy: Create a Campaign
If you want a little more help getting started, check out our online training videos. If you're ready to rock, you can log in to your account and hit the ground running.
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Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download: BlockOut II 2.5

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download berisi daftar Game gratis yang bisa anda download dan mainkan di komputer anda 
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BlockOut II 2.5
May 12th 2013, 02:58, by

BlockOut II 2.5Adaptasi dari game DOS klasik Blockout oleh California Dreams tahun 1989

Publisher's Description:
Blockout II merupakan adaptasi dari game DOS Blockout oleh California Dreams tahun 1989. Blockout II memiliki fitur yang sama dari game aslinya dengan beberapa perbaikan grafis. Permainan ini telah dirancang untuk mereproduksi kinematika game asli seakurat mungkin. Skor Perhitungannya juga hampir mirip dengan aslinya.

Blockout II juga dilengkapi dengan skor database online di mana Anda dapat meng-upload skor Anda dan melihat berbagai statistik permainan.

Blockout II adalah sebuah proyek open source (GPL) yang tersedia untuk Windows dan Linux.


  • Memutar balok: Q dan A, W dan S, E dan D
  • Bergerak ke samping: Tombol panah
  • Drop: Tombol spasi
  • Pause: Tombol P

Publisher: Kadon Enterprises
OS: Windows
Category: Game Puzzle / Logika
File Download: LINK (4.69 MB)

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Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download: Rappelz Epic 8.2

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download berisi daftar Game gratis yang bisa anda download dan mainkan di komputer anda 
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Rappelz Epic 8.2
Nov 6th 2010, 00:28, by

Rappelz: Epic 8.2Game fantasy dengan daftar quest yang luas

Publisher's Description:
Ini adalah game ofisial untuk Rappelz. Rappelz adalah game MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) yang di set sebagai dunia fantasy dengan fitur-fitur yang didesain menarik baik dari sisi kasual maupun hardcore.

Rappelz memiliki daftar quest yang luas, memungkinkan user untuk bermain solo ataupun group. Sepanjang permainan, pemain dapat mengubah karakter pemerannya secara unik. Anda akan bertempur menggunakan combat system yang memungkinkan penggunaan pet dari berbagai bagian dunia Rappelz untuk membantu anda.

Publisher: Gpotato
OS: Windows ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
Category: Game Online
File Download: LINK (1.96 GB)

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Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download: Incredi Basketball

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download berisi daftar Game gratis yang bisa anda download dan mainkan di komputer anda 
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Incredi Basketball
Mar 27th 2014, 06:29, by

Incredi Basketball Lakukan dribbling throwing dan slam dunk dengan caramu yang unik dalam game basketball lengkap

Publisher's Description:
Apakah Anda suka olahraga basket? Apakah Anda lebih suka bermain sendiri atau menonton pertandingan di TV? Sekarang Anda memiliki kesempatan unik untuk memainkan olahraga ini tanpa harus keluar rumah. Aturannya sederhana yaitu melemparkan bola masuk ke dalam keranjang. Ada dua tim yang saling menantang, anda yang akan memainkan salah satunya. Anda bisa mencetak dua atau tiga poin untuk masing-masing lemparan. Tim dengan poin terbanyak menang. Namun, jika pertandingan berakhir dengan hasil imbang, waktu tambahan yang akan menentukan.

Aturan di Incredi Basketball sangat mirip dengan basket biasa, kecuali ada beberapa fitur unik yang ditambahkan, sebagai contoh, Anda dapat menggunakan power-up seperti Turbo, Hell Catapult, Spin Move atau Shot Fake. Agar bisa menguasai semua ini, Anda sebaiknya memainkan Mode Training lebih dahulu. Selain itu, ada juga jenis lainnya seperti versus mode, tournament, friendly match, dan custom tournaments. Incredi Basketball juga memiliki mini-games dan editor khusus untuk mengatur para pemain. Ada 18 tim yang bisa dimainkan. Semuanya akan membuat anda ketagihan bermain, asal jangan lupa waktu saja. Enjoy it!


- Tombol panah = bergerak
- S = oper, rebut bola
- F = slam dunk, blok, rebound.
- A = shot
- D = ganti fokus pemain
... dst, bisa dilihat di menu: Settings - Configure Controller


- Banyak tim pemain
- Power-up dan super-moves
- Variasi mode permainan
- Sepenuhnya GRATIS

Persyaratan Sistem

- Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor 1.6 Ghz atau yang lebih baik
- RAM 256 Mb
- DirectX 8.1

Publisher: MyPlayCity, Inc
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Category: Game Olah Raga
File Download: LINK (127.6 MB)

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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Need for Speed Underground Free Download

Need for Speed Underground Free Download

The strategy of the game depends on the racing of cars. The cars are consisting of good functions. The cars contain main thing is that the player can customize the car during the game. The cars have different color and different designing. The Samantha is a girl in the game who instructs the players about racing. The Samantha does her duty in the game like to help her friends in the game. The players have a great experience to play racing in Need for Speed Underground. All the night series is given in the game in which all the levels are played in cars. The player cans some changing with his customization beyond the road sides.

All the big buildings and markets are given. The cars have an ability to jump on the road to cross his journey or racing soon. The competition in the game is held between two or three cars. The maps are given in the game all of unique and modern. The big lights are mounted on the road during the racing of cars and all the lights are luminous. The cars are also performing their duties on inside localities where all the sceneries are according to racing of these cars. Different drivers are used in the game who can move the cars on the road. The roads are comfortable and clean in the game.

When you can start the game the user picks all the things for game play. First the player can select the car and he change some functions of the car like to change engines and some other functions. These changing's are very use full for players. Then he selects the game conditions like Hard, Comfortable and Easy. Some of the player's usually hard condition for game. After that Samantha can instruct her friends. Then the driver can ready for driving, two girls can Gesture the players to move the cars.

Then the player can start driving. During the game you can see analog speed meters are appearing on the computer screen. These speed meters instruct the players in how much speed the car is going. Two laps are appearing on the computer screen that can instruct you how many rotating of cars on the road in one level. The smoky line also appears on the screen that can instruct you where the cars are going to the next track.

When the player starts his racing people are expending on the road and they can try to encourage the drivers for racing on the road. The next edition of the game like Need for Speed Underground 2 is a little bit of difference from Need for Speed Underground 1. The cars are taking in the game similar to the move which name is fast and furious. The very best music is going on the back stage of the game. The sound of the songs is also very good and clear.

At the stage of winning the peoples are again standing on the road and they clap equally. All the scoreboards appear on the screen congratulates to the player. The car is also jumping on the road too soon beat the other cars on the road. Might the car fall on the road. There are different kinds of vehicles are given on the road the player can also try to across from them at the time of necessity. If you can learn about the racing, this game is the biggest institution for the peoples because most people in the world are fond of racing.

System Requirements:

Processor: Intel (2.4 GHz)
Operating System: Windows XP/8/Vista/7
VGA: 64 MB
Disk Space: 2 GB
RAM: 256

Need for Speed Underground Free Download

Mohsin Khan 22 Mar, 2014

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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Getting started with MailChimp analytics and reporting


Getting Started with MailChimp

Track results with reporting and analytics

Now that you're sending campaigns that look great and make it to the inbox every time, our reports will help you stay on track.

Campaign reports

Campaign Reports
MailChimp's reporting features show you how many opens and clicks you got and which links in your campaign were the most popular. We can also compare your rates to others in your industry, see how different domains are performing, and look at your response over time.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics
Add Google Analytics tracking to your next campaign to see what your subscribers are doing after they click a link back to your site. Our Analytics 360 module monitors your campaign's conversions and revenue, and pops that info right back into your MailChimp reports page for easy access to ROI info.

Our Analytics 360 plugin for WordPress shows you how your email campaigns are driving traffic to your WordPress site. You'll get all kinds of insight about your performance, available right on your WordPress dashboard.
© 2013 MailChimp®, All Rights Reserved.
512 Means St. • Suite 404 • Atlanta, GA 30318 USA

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

NFS 5 Porsche Unleashed Free Download

Need for Speed 5 Porsche Unleashed Free Download

Need for Speed 5 Porsche Unleashed game raised its value, though consisting rules in it. This is the first car racing game which has more and more care for rules. These rules are the secret of success of any game. There are racing importance shows in the game. This importance comes in the form of cars in the game. This game shows the old style of racing, which is the most source of pleasure. There is the racing of cars in the game in this way all the new invention of cars, old times are coming to see in the game. These cars are pure in form this is because the racing is also pure. This pureness of racing in the game left a great sight on the memories of the people of the entire world.

The assignment of racing, which is given in the game has taken more cars in against. All these cars are in un-favor of your car. To look at these car that there other cars are in your against, you have to maintain the balance of your car during the racing. To maintain the balance in your car, this act tries and helps you in beating other cars during the race to make your position very well. If you take first position in the game the rewards are given to you to show your good performance. These are all written in the position summary which is automatically displayed on the PC screen after racing and after you have to complete your mission. This summary gives a lot information to you about those cars which are in your against.

If you want to take upper classes in this summary you have to make your skills strong. After all, we make our asking about the skills of the game. At the starting we take the driver from drivers list. The females also take part in drivers list. The females are also really good driving, but the male drivers are also very good and they take more strength. When you want to add them in your game you have to type any name and this name is for your driver in terms of male and female. Then next step is about your car. You select your car with your choice and you are also making changes in it with your choice. You can change engine, steering, lock, color and seats. You can also change the roof of the car, it depends on your choice you want to take the roof on the car are not.

Next is turn of map you also take your map according to your choice. The graphic and locations are also added you can customize them. The roads are also in the list of choices. The screen shots are very important if you correctly add them correctly in your mission it target against other cars in the racing. The developer also adds the camera in the game that provides you a favor during the mission. The camera is important because you can see all the conditions of other cars and roads on a small screen which is displayed on your PC screen, this sight trough a totally wonder for you which is totally different during the race on the road you have to see the inner part of the car like steering, seats, fuel counter, speed watch and they are all new in every mission. All the aspects of the game show their characteristics on Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 8, Game boy Advance, Windows Vista, Windows XP, PlayStation and Windows 7.

As you know the damaging process was performed in every race of the game, but in this game the ratio of damaging of cars is very low because all the cars do their own work for their perception. The un-damaging decision of the developer was much interesting because with this all locations of the game give a clear and clean view. The game is suitable for success because of its abilities. Need for Speed 5 Porsche Unleashed game reflects some functions and structure of Need for Speed II SE, Need for Speed Underground 1, Need for Speed Underground 2, Need for Speed Most Wanted 2, Need for Speed Shift and Need for Speed The Run. The developer tries to introduce the old steps of cars in racing for the knowledge and welfare of mankind. They developer involves all the information about cars are involved in the game.

System Requirements:

Processor: 600 MHz
Hard Disk Space: 200 MB
RAM: 64 MB
Operating System: Windows 95/XP/98/7/8/Vista

Game Details:

Size: 30.1 MB
License: Shareware
Version: 5
Developer: Electronic Arts

NFS 5 Porsche Unleashed Free Download

Mohsin Khan 15 Mar, 2014

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Getting started with MailChimp performance tweaking


Getting Started with MailChimp

Test thoroughly to improve performance

If you want to maintain a high open rate and stay out of junk filters, you should perform tests to make sure your campaigns are problem-free.

Preview mode and test emails

Preview Mode
View your campaign in Preview Mode once the design is complete for a quick visual once-over. And don’t forget to send test emails, so you can examine a campaign in different email programs before it goes out.

A/B campaigns

A/B Testing
A/B testing allows you to try out two different subject lines and send times on a test group within your list. The best response determines the winner, and we’ll automatically send the winning campaign to the rest of your list.

Inbox Inspector

Inbox Inspector
Inbox Inspector gives you a look at how your email design renders in popular web, desktop, and mobile email clients, and whether it's going to stay out of major spam filters. Use it before you send a campaign to help you discover areas for improvement.
© 2013 MailChimp®, All Rights Reserved.
512 Means St. • Suite 404 • Atlanta, GA 30318 USA

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download: Alien Shooter

Daftar Game Gratis Untuk Di Download berisi daftar Game gratis yang bisa anda download dan mainkan di komputer anda 
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Alien Shooter
Mar 18th 2014, 23:26, by

Alien Shooter Kalahkan semua monster alien yang telah menguasai sebuah markas militer

Publisher's Description:
Alien Shooter merupakan game aksi dimana anda akan melawan para monster alien yang telah menguasai sebuah kompleks militer.

Misi Anda adalah sederhana: membersihkan tempat itu dari semua alien. Anda diberikan akses untuk menggunakan semua senjata dan bahan peledak untuk membantu Anda menyelesaikan misi.

Ada dua mode permainan yang bisa dipilih, yaitu mode Campaign merupakan mode atraktif dimana anda akan menyusuri semua ruangan untuk menemukan dan mengalahkan para alien sambil memecahkan puzzle seperti menemukan tombol lampu, membuka pintu, dan mendapatkan tambahan poin/bonus. Yang kedua adalah mode Survive di mana anda berada di ruangan terbuka dan setiap alien akan berdatangan satu per satu menyerang anda, semakin lama levelnya semakin meningkat, jumlah alien semakin banyak, dan jenis aliennya semakin kuat.

Invasi asing telah dimulai, jangan biarkan mereka melarikan diri dari tempat itu, Anda adalah harapan terakhir. Nasib manusia sekarang tergantung pada Anda! ;)

Kebutuhan Sistem:

- Windows 95/98/XP/ME/Vista/7
- Prosesor 800 Mhz atau yang lebih baik
- DirectX 9.0 atau di atasnya


- Tombol panah = bergerak
- Klik kiri = tembak
- Klik kanan = bergerak
- 1,2,... = pilih senjata.

Publisher: GameTop
OS: Windows 95/98/XP/ME/Vista/7
Category: Game Tembak
File Download: LINK (20 MB)

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