Kamis, 29 September 2016

We've updated our Privacy Policy

We're writing to let you know that we've made some changes to our Privacy Policy, and that we've added a Cookie Statement to our legal policies. In addition to a number of revisions to make our Policy clearer and more readable, here is an overview of some of the changes:
  • We added provisions in order to comply with the new EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and to make the ways we are complying more obvious. (Numerous sections, but in particular, Section 16)
  • We made general revisions for clarity around the information we collect, including clarifying the difference between information you voluntarily provide to us and information we collect automatically. (Section 5)
  • We made general revisions for clarity around how we do and do not use the information that we collect from you. (Sections 6, 9, 12)
  • We added a California Privacy Statement. (Section 18)
  • Finally, we added a Cookie Statement that explains in more detail how we use cookies and similar technologies.
We encourage you to read the entire Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, as these documents explain what kind of information we collect and how we use the information you give us.

If you have any questions, please email legal@mailchimp.com. As always, thanks for using MailChimp.

This is a one-time notice about changes to MailChimp's Privacy Policy.

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Selasa, 27 September 2016

Holiday Tips 2016

With special tips for

BigCommerce Facebook Google Magento
Shopify Twitter WooCommerce
The holidays are fast approaching. Whether you're an online retailer or a brick-and-mortar, email marketing can be a valuable tool for increasing brand awareness and generating revenue.

This year, we've developed an automated email series filled with insights and best practices to help you get the most out of your holiday marketing, including a collection of special tips for Facebook, Twitter, Google, Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce.

We've also compiled a list of 40 tips to consider as you're developing your marketing strategy for the holiday season and beyond. We've even included example campaigns, products, and success stories from our customers to inspire you along the way.
Send Me Special Tips
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©2016 MailChimp. Unsubscribe or view in browser.
675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308.
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Kamis, 22 September 2016

Pre-built segmentation: target your customers with one click


Target Your Customers With One Click

Introducing Pre-Built Segments
MailChimp's powerful segmentation tools can help you increase the relevance of your messaging by targeting subscribers who have similar traits, behaviors, and interests. And now, our new pre-built segments make it even easier to connect with your subscribers quickly and effectively.

Pre-built segments update automatically as customers meet certain conditions. And they can be used with all campaign types or Automation workflows, so you can send to the right people at the right time. Quickly welcome your newest subscribers, follow up with subscribers who have opened your recent campaigns, or send a re-engagement note to everyone who's been inactive for a while.

If you sell stuff online, connect your store to take advantage of pre-built segments that let you send email to all of your recent, first time, repeat, lapsed, or potential customers in just a few clicks. Then, target with even greater precision with MailChimp Pro's exclusive pre-built demographic segments, which are powered by Predicted Demographics.
Learn More

©2016 MailChimp. Unsubscribe or view in browser.

675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308.

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