Selasa, 11 November 2014

3 Ways to Send Your First Campaign

3 Ways to Send Your First Campaign

There's more than one way to use MailChimp. If you're looking to send your first email before the holidays, here are a few of our favorite ideas.
MailChimp Snap video

Send from your iPhone with MailChimp Snap

Pick a photo, write a note, and send. MailChimp Snap is an easy way to share photos right from your iPhone. Download the app, connect your account, and deliver a campaign in seconds.

Try the drag and drop editor

Our drag and drop editor lets you painlessly design a great campaign. Start from scratch, or begin with a predesigned theme. Drop images and text anywhere, and drag your content right where you want it.

Beam a message from your email client

Create a message in Outlook, Gmail, or your favorite email client, and use Email Beamer to import it directly to your MailChimp account. You can log in to edit, or reply to a quick confirmation to send to your list without leaving your inbox.

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