Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Free Download Battle Gear full version gratis

Battle Gear

Battle gear adalah permainan flash strategi perang. Tujuan Anda adalah untuk menaklukkan dunia. Mulailah dengan memilih salah satu dari tiga negara: Amerika Serikat, Rusia dan Cina. Kemudian ambil alih operasi militer dan masuki wilayah musuh melalui udara, laut dan darat.
Tombol panah kiri/kanan atau A/D untuk scroll layar.
Tombol Z atau C untuk scroll layar cepat ke kiri/kanan.
Tombol panah atas/bawah atau W/S untuk mengontrol tanda panah (hanya untuk pengguna tentara yang kelihatan).
Tombol P untuk pause game (berhenti sementara).
Klik setiap unit untuk melatih atau menggunakannya atau gunakan hotkey 1..9 

Plants VS Zombies 2 PC Game Free Download Full Version

Plants VS Zombies 2 PC Game Free Download Full Version Free Gratis

Plants VS Zombies 2 promotion

 Plants VS Zombies 2 promotion 

 has been in heavy promotion of its Plants VS Zombies 2 franchise
lately, with the Talking Zombatar expected later this year.Hitting
 the cross-promotion button, Zen Studios is expected to reveal a pinball
 table this weekend featuring a PopCap franchise. Doesn’t take brains to figure out what it’ll likely be.

The zombies are coming… back. It’s about time The sequel to the hit
action-strategy adventure with over 30 Game of the Year awards is coming. Join
Crazy Dave on a crazy adventure where you’ll meet, greet and defeat legions of
zombies from the dawn of time to the end of days. Amass an army of powerful new
plants, super charge them with Plant Food and power up your defenses with
amazing new ways to protect your brain.

Sailor Moon Dating Simulator: Sailor Saturn 1.1

Gratis Download Sailor Moon Dating Simulator Free

Sailor Moon Dating Simulator: Sailor Saturn

Sailor Moon dating simulator dibuat berdasarkan video game Sailor Moon.
Pemain diberikan 20 hari untuk memenangkan cinta Hotaru Tomoe. 

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Apocalypse Motor Racers

Free Gratis Apocalypse Motor Racers 

 Apocalypse Motor Racers

Pada awal abad ke-21, krisis energi global mengakibatkan terjadinya Perang Dunia III. Banyak kota-kota yang hancur dan orang-orang telah meninggalkannya demi mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik.
Sekarang kota-kota yang ditinggalkan itu digunakan sebagai trek balap untuk hiburan populer jenis baru - Apocalypse Motor Racing.
Para pemberani dari berbagai penjuru dunia ikut serta untuk meraih kemenangan menggunakan mobil-mobil penghancur dalam balapan mematikan ini.
Setir mobil - tombol panah
Tembak Senjata - X
Tembak Rocket - C
Ranjau/Mine Fire - V
Nitro Boost - CTRL-Kiri
Respawn/Reset - R
Pause/Exit - Esc
Kebutuhan Sistem
  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor 1000 Mhz atau yang lebih baik
  • RAM 1024 Mb
  • GeForce4 MX atau on-board graphics
  • DirectX 9.0 atau yang lebih tinggi
  • DirectX-compatible sound card 

3D Rally Racing

Free Gratis Download 3D Rally Racing

3D Rally Racing adalah game racing mobil 3D yang ringan. Di dalamnya anda bisa menikmati lebih dari lima track unik dan cool.
Ukuran filenya cukup kecil karena dikemas dalam bentuk flash.

Prince Of Persia

Download Gratis Free Prince Of Persia

Prince of Persia 
Prince of Persia adalah sebuah game petualangan di mana Anda memiliki 8 menit untuk menuju ke kamar takhta Vizier dan menghentikan dia dari melepaskan Sands of Time. Gunakan tombol panah pada keyboard untuk memindahkan Pangeran ke segala arah. Gunakan tombol shift untuk meraih ke tepian dan mengambil item. Tahan shift sambil menekan tombol panah untuk berjalan. Berjalan memungkinkan Pangeran untuk berdiri lebih dekat di tepi dan melewati paku.
Ketika dalam mode pertempuran, tombol panah kiri dan kanan akan bergerak pangeran menuju atau jauh dari musuh. Menekan up akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menangkis serangan yang masuk.

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Naruto Shippuden Ninja Destiny 2 (UK)

Gratis Free Download Game Naruto Shippuden Ninja Destiny 2 (UK)

Download Game Naruto Shippuden Ninja Destiny 2  (UK) Gratis Free
cara memainkan
  1.  ekstark filenya
  2. buka dengan emulator GBA

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Game BioShock Infinite

Download Game Bioshock Infinite

Gratis Free Download Game BioShock Infinite

Download Game BioShock Infinite


BioShock Infinite PC Game Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows Vista Service Pack 2.
RAM: 2 GB.
Hard Disk: 20 GB Free.
Video Graphics: Direct x10 compatible ATI Radeon 3870/ Nvidia 8800 GT/ Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics.
Video Graphics Memory: 512 MB.
Game BioShock Infinite Full VersionBioShock Infinite Full Version

Download Game BioShock Infinite Full VersionDownload Game BioShock Infinite Full Version
 DOWLOAD Game  BioShock Infinite DVD 1
DOWLOAD Game  BioShock Infinite DVD 2 
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Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Game Age of empires 1

Download Free Gratis Download Game Age Of Empires 1

Age of Empires (often abbreviated to AoE) is a history-based real-time strategy video game released in 1997. Developed by Ensemble Studiosand published by Microsoft, the game uses the Genie, a 2D sprite-based game engine. The game allows the user to act as the leader of an ancient civilization by advancing it through four ages (the Stone, Tool, Bronze, and Iron Ages), gaining access to new and improved units with each advance. It was later ported to Pocket PCs with Windows, resulting in a version very similar to the PC game.
  • Pentium 90 processor or faster (P-133+ for 1024 x 768 resolution)
  • SVGA with 1 MB RAM
  • fast 2D graphics card (2 MB required for 1024 x 768)
  • 16 MB RAM
  • Win 95 or Win NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 , Wins 7, 8.
  • 80+ MB HD space (together with the swap file, it’s up to 150 MB)
  • 50 MB HD space for swap file (you might have to adjust the settings in the control panel)
  • Double speed CD-ROM (quad speed recommended)
  • MS/Logitech Mouse or compatible
  • sound card for audio
  • 28.8 kbps modem for internet play

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Strom 3 Full Burst

Free Gratis Download Games Naruto  Ultimate Ninja Strom 3 Full Burst

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Watch Dogs

  Free Gratis Download Game Watch Dogs


Watch Dogs is a ground-breaking open-world action-adventure game called designed by a team comprised of industry veterans from blockbuster franchises like Assassin’s Creed, Rainbow 6 and Far Cry. Watch Dogs blends cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated game design into a realistic and living open world where players must use any means at their disposal to take down a corrupt system. 
System Requirement  Minimum :  

  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or i5 dual core processor or better
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Graphics: 512 MB RAM, Nvidia 7-series, AMD 3000-series
  • Operating system: Windows Vista,7,8
  • 14 GB of hard drive space
  • CPU: Quad core Intel Core i5 or i7 processor, or AMD FX 8000 series chip
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB for 64-bit OS)
  • Graphics: 1GB Video RAM, Nvidia 500 / AMD 6000 series.
  • Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit
  • 14 GB of hard drive space

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Game Jurassic Park Operation Genesis

Free Gratis Download Game Jurassic Park Operation Genesis 
The player’s main objective is simple: create a theme park/zoo featuring dinosaurs, make it popular, and make it safe with a 5-star rating. The gameplay functions are very similar to the SimCity and Tycoon game models. It is necessary to build feeding stations where herbivores can get bales of plant feed, while carnivores are fed live cows or goats. However, herbivores become unhappy if they don’t have enough trees around them or enough nearby dinosaur friends to socialize with. Likewise, carnivores have an innate desire to hunt other dinosaurs, so even a constant stream of livestock will not keep them happy.
System Requirements :
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Windows 98\Me\2000\XP\7\8
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 400 MHz Pentium III, Celeron, or AMD Athlon processor
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 128 MB RAM
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 700 MB hard disk space + 300 MB for Windows swap file
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 640 x 480, 16-bit High Color
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis DirectX 8.1b
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 16 MB 3D Accelerator (TNT2 or better) and DirextX 8.1-compatible driver
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis DirectX 8.1-compatible sound card
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Mouse and Keyboard

Age Of empires 3

Download Game Age Of Empires 3 Terbaru

Age of empires 3
Players begin with a constructed town center or a wagon, an explorer and several settlers (the number of settlers depends on which civilization you are playing with). Players explore the map and begin gathering resources used to build additional units and buildings and to research upgrades or technologies. Actions such as training units, constructing buildings, killing enemy units etc., earn the player experience points. At certain experience point thresholds, players earn shipment cards that may be turned in for shipments from the players Home City, which can include units, an upgrade, or resources. The game progresses similar to most real-time strategy games until one side resigns or is eliminated. Elimination occurs when all of a player's villagers and explorer have been destroyed, regardless of remaining buildings and/or military units.


Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 / 8
PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor
256 MB of system RAM
2 GB available hard disk space
32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required
Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play



Selasa, 11 Februari 2014



Pore allows the player to develop a species from a microscopic organism to its evolution into a complex animal, its emergence as a social, intelligent being, to its mastery of the planet and then finally to its ascension into space, where it interacts with alien species across the galaxy. Throughout the game, the player’s perspective and species change dramatically.
The game is broken up into distinct yet consistent, dependent “phases”. The outcome of one phase affects the initial conditions and leveling facing the player in the next. Each phase exhibits its own style of play, and has been described by the developers as ten times more complicated than its preceding phase. While players are able to spend as much time as they would want in each, it is possible to accelerate or skip phases altogether.Some phases feature optional missions; when the player completes a mission, they are granted a bonus, such as a new ability or money. If all of a player’s creations are completely destroyed at some point, the species will be respawned at its nearest colony or at the beginning of the phase.
Unlike many other Maxis games, Spore has a primary win condition, which is obtained by reaching a supermassive black hole placed at the center of the galaxy and receiving a “Staff of Life”. Another major achievement involves defeating or befriending the Grox, a cyborg species with a large empire guarding the core. However, the player may continue to play after any goal has been achieved.There is a difficulty selector to each stage, allowing players to choose the difficulty for each part of the game.Spore defaults to the easiest level.The first four phases of the game, if the player uses the editors only minimally, will take up to 15 hours to complete, but can take as little as one or two hours. Note that there is no time limit for any stage: the player may stay in a single stage as long as s/he wishes, and progress to the next stage when ready. At the end of each phase, the player’s actions cause their creature to be assigned a characteristic. Each phase has three characteristics, usually based on how aggressively or peacefully the phase was played. Characteristics determine how the creature will start the next phase and give it abilities that can be used later in the game.

System Requirements:
  • Windows XP/7/8
    • 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
    • XP: 512 MB RAM / Vista: 768 MB RAM
    • At least 300 MB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for created creatures. (190 MB for the Trial Edition)
    • A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0*
      Please note: For computers using built-in graphics chipsets, the game requires at least an Intel Integrated Chipset GMA 950 or Dual 2.0GHz CPUs, or 1.7GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent

Senin, 10 Februari 2014




Quite like its predecessors, the core gameplay of GTA IV consists of giving the player a large, open world environment in which to move around freely. On foot, the player character can walk, run, jump, climb over obstacles and swim, as well as use weapons and perform basic hand-to-hand combat. Players can steal and drive a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, boats, helicopters, and motorcycles. Grand Theft Auto IV takes advantage of Natural Motion's Euphoria engine, which combines artificial intelligence, bio-mechanics and physics to make open, non-linear environments that allow players to explore and choose how they wish to play the game. Although completing most of the storyline missions are necessary to progress through the game and unlock certain content and parts of the city, they are not required, as players can complete them at their own leisure. When not attempting a storyline mission, players can free-roam, giving them the ability to do activities. Side missions such as locating and destroying criminals in the police car database or participating in street races can keep the player occupied for hours.
It is possible to have many active missions running at one time, as some missions run over the course of several days and require the player to wait for further instructions or events. The player can also attempt a variety of optional side missions. Grand Theft Auto IV also contains morality choices at many points throughout the game, which alter the storyline appropriately depending on the player's choice. Which of the game's two different endings occurs is determined by one of these choices.


  • OS: Windows XP SP 3/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz 
  • Memory: 1.5GB, 
  • HDD Free Space 16GB 
  • Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900

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